Do you currently have a clear life goal ?

Yes I know where I want to be in 5 Years time
33% (24 votes)
I have an specific aim over the next year
16% (12 votes)
I have a vague idea where I want my life to go
27% (20 votes)
Not something I've thought about
10% (7 votes)
I drift through life like a piece of driftwood
14% (10 votes)
Total votes: 73


Life Goal Poll - explanation / discussion

I spend a lot of time coaching and working with people to give them a goal in their life. Very few when I first start with them have any idea of where they are heading on lifes cobbled causeway.

Question above is are Naturists more focused and aware of where they are going?

Life .... Risk it today :)

Life Goal

I am very focused on the now... but I have a long term goal too... so the first two options are relavent to me ... even though I could only vote for one



Regards Rob

Re - Life Goals

I five years time I intend to have retired. Given my age that doesn't involve some clever plan to finance retirement from the age of 50.

After that the detail is hazy, move locally slightly further into the countryside, and get a house with a garden that not easily overlooked. Move somewhat further afield within the UK? Stay where we are ? I don't know yet.


My only goal is to remain

My only goal is to remain reasonably healthy and be able to continue to work and enjoy life to the full

Driftwood too

But I'd be willing to undergo life coaching!