Nudefest 2016

BN has great pleasure in announcing that Nudefest 2016 will now go ahead. It will be at a different campsite in a lovely area of outstanding beauty. The event will begin with clothes off from 1000hrs on Tuesday 5th July until 1000hrs on Monday 11th July. Nudity will be permitted across the whole site which has been specifically reserved for us. The price, which is still being negotiated will hopefully be cheaper than Newperran with a small additional fee for a hook up. Dogs will be allowed at no extra cost but must be kept on a lead. All bookings and questions will be through the BN office. At this stage BN are not releasing the details of the site, until a certain amount of paperwork has been completed. Members are kindly asked to refrain from attempting to second guess the site or contacting the office until this work has been finalised. Overall Nudefest 2016 will have a whole host of activates, some new and some of the old favourites spread over the entire 6 days. These for those who have never been before these will range from relaxation classes, drawing and painting to live bands and workshops, and of course the traditional Saturday night disco. This Nudefest will be different, different location, different things to do and different facilities. The programme is still being worked upon and will be until the final week and at the moment it is not available for viewing, when it is, it will be put on the forum and advertised extensively within the naturist world. With this in mind could anyone who intends coming along to Nudefest 2016 with a particular skill or interest they are prepared to share with members please let me Nigel Pinkstone know via in particular I would like to know of any fisherman or golfers who would be prepared to help.

Check out the forum discussion on this event here :


Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - 10:00 to Monday, July 11, 2016 - 10:00